Highlights of Reiki Level Two The Usui System of Natural Healing
Receive the Reiki Two attunement, opening you to another level of empowerment, which allows even more energy to flow into all your Reiki work and your life…
Learn three sacred symbols, or keys to the Reiki energy, received by Dr. Mikao Usui in his experience of enlightenment on Mt. Kurama…
The first symbol is for bringing more energy here, now, like turning on a light switch, or stepping on the gas…
The second symbol is for clearing and healing for mental and emotional aspects of any conditions or circumstances and for directly affecting these levels of consciousness in yourselves and others…
The third symbol is used for distance healing and hones in on or directs the energy and blessings specifically to any person, place, or event, like using a magnifying glass to focus and intensify the sun’s rays…
Learn how to use the symbols’ names for chanting or toning to facilitate healing for yourself and others…
Learn how to use the symbols to store energy in animate and inanimate objects and to release it to bless people, places, or events, even when you are not physically present. Very helpful for homes, hospital rooms, massage rooms, businesses, etc…
Learn how to use the symbols to create a clear psychic or energy space for yourself and others and for any environment…
Learn how to use another person or object as a surrogate or stand-in to send blessings to other persons or objects at any distance…
Learn specific distant healing techniques to send blessings and healing to resolve the past and to bless and influence future events…
Learn how to use Reiki to bless an infinite number of people, places, or events simultaneously, exponentially expanding your opportunities to be a healing presence in the lives of others…
Learn to direct energy and blessings to the cause, not just the symptom, of any conditions or circumstances, including, but not limited to health, relationships, finances, etc…
Use the symbols to energize food and bless water for drinking, bathing, etc…
Use the symbols as a simple, yet profound, meditation that brings an immediate sense of peace and well-bring…
Meet your Reiki guide in a very loving, powerful meditation experience…